Addition grows complex of upland and waterfowl habitat in NW Iowa
Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever are proud to announce a new addition to the Blue Wing Marsh complex in Palo Alto County, Iowa. The 67-acre acquisition adds to a large corridor of federal, state, and county owned public wildlife habitat in the state’s northwest pheasant range, providing excellent opportunities for upland bird and waterfowl hunting while expanding outdoor access.
“This property was identified by our friends at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and adds to an incredible wetland and upland complex,” said Eric Sytsma, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s habitat protection officer. “This area is part of Iowa’s core pheasant range, and adding acres to Blue Wing Marsh is incredibly valuable for not only upland birds and waterfowl, but numerous species of wildlife.”
An existing wetland on the property is set to be restored, while the remaining acres will be planted to native prairie. The addition was acquired through Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s Build a Wildlife Area® program and will be conveyed to the US Fish and Wildlife Service to become part of their Waterfowl Production Area system.
Build a Wildlife Area® is Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s permanent habitat protection program delivering strategic, fee-title acquisitions to conserve habitat and increase public hunting access. The program strives to create functional landscapes supporting wild, sustainable populations of upland birds and other wildlife, while providing ancillary benefits to natural resources and communities. Since 1982, the program has permanently protected more than 238,000 acres of publicly accessible habitat in 17 states.
By permanently protecting high-quality habitat, Pheasants Forever’s acquisition strategy also provides solutions for rural economic development and the nation’s most complex sustainability issues including improved biodiversity, soil health, and water stewardship— while simultaneously prioritizing maximum impact for pheasants, quail, and associated wildlife.
This addition was made possible with the help of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and the PF & QF chapters, partners and members who contribute to the organization’s Build a Wildlife Area® program.