Hunting Heritage

Discover your own Path to the Uplands

Learn to Hunt

Host a Learn to Hunt Event and Make a Difference

Have you thought about hosting a Learn to Hunt event in your community? These gatherings are an excellent way to introduce people to the world of hunting while building meaningful connections. Many individuals want to explore hunting but lack a clear path to gaining field experience. Our events provide those essential first steps, helping new hunters feel supported and engaged.

Focus on tailoring each event to a specific audience, such as adults, women, or youth. For instance, during a women’s event, ensure that at least half of mentors are women, and include discussions about how to feel safe hunting solo on public lands. By fostering these connections, we can actively promote upland conservation while growing and diversifying the hunting community. Join us in hosting a Learn to Hunt event and inspire future hunters!

Our Impact

Voices from the Field

Our Impact: Voices from the Field

Our commitment to hosting over 330 annual Learn to Hunt events has allowed us to connect with more than 3,000 participants, creating lasting memories and impactful experiences. Participants often share their excitement:

Feedback from actual participants:

“This weekend was perfect!! Thank you for an incredible event with such an awesome group of women! Everything was well thought out, from the accommodations to the food and instruction. I’m looking forward to the next one!”

lovely participant

“I wish I would have found out about it in my twenties and not in my forties! I really think the whole event was amazing, I don’t think I would change anything. I’m incredibly thankful for the opportunity.”

another participant reflected

“I wish I would have found out about it in my twenties and not in my forties! I really think the whole event was amazing, I don’t think I would change anything. I’m incredibly thankful for the opportunity.”

the presence of female mentors at women’s events is crucial, as highlighted by one attendee

Learn to Hunt

Event Checklist

Learn to Hunt Event Checklist:

Step 1. Form a Planning Team and choose a species to focus on

» If the event is for adults, submit a grant application at least two weeks prior to the event to receive reimbursement for 50% of event expenses up to $500

Step 2. Create Event and Recruit Participants

» Create an online event by logging in to our Upland Events Platform with your chapter login information (ex: ch0001)

» Promote the event on social media and at local outdoor focused businesses

» If this event is for women, use our Women on the Wing Brand Guide for all printouts and advertising materials

Step 3. Insurance

» Submit completed Volunteer Insurance Coverage Form (page 3 of this document) to at least 24 hours prior to the event

Step 4. Host the event!

» Check registered participants in at the event using your mobile device. If cell service isn’t available, print a list of registered participants the day before the event and check them off in person as they arrive. When you have access to the internet again, check them in under your event on the Upland Events Platform

» Everyone at the event must sign a waiver (pages 5 & 6 of this document) – retain these for 12 months

» Have fun and take lots of photos!

Step 5. Report the event through your chapter portal or at:

» Number of participants

» Number of volunteers

» Total volunteer hours

For help with event planning or best practices contact

For help with event reporting contact your Regional Field Representative

Congratulations and thank you for guiding new hunters into the field!
