The Quail Forever logo The Quail Forever logo A Future for Texas Quail Starts Here

Join Quail Forever

Quail Forever's mission is to conserve quail, pheasants, and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education, and conservation advocacy.

How a Future for Texas Quail Starts Here

The first Quail Forever chapter in Texas was chartered in San Antonio in 2013. Today, there are 19 Quail Forever and 2 Pheasants Forever chapters throughout the state, with more than 2,000 members.

Wildlife habitat faces monumental challenges in an ever-changing world. However, Quail Forever’s vision is that current and future generations of hunters and conservationists in Texas are able to enjoy abundant populations of wild quail, pheasants and other wildlife for generations to come.

Texas Farm Bill Biologist Program

In 2013, Texas introduced the Farm Bill Biologist Program to work with chapters and partners to help landowners implement conservation practices.

Colorized coverage map showing membership density throughout Texas

Texas Farm Bill Biologist Program

In the past year alone, our team in Texas has...

  • Contacted more than 1,900 landowners resulting in 505 site visits
  • Provided technical guidance on more than 335,761 acres of critical habitat
  • Developed 138 conservation plans accounting for over 134,621 acres of habitat treatments
  • Assisted with 23 prescribed burns impacting more than 3,192 acres
  • Hosted 134 Education and Outreach events to engage future conservationists

Additionally, Quail Forever in Texas helps administer funds for all four variations of GRIP (Grassland Restoration Incentive Program), delivering $694,687 worth of landowner incentives through these programs resulting in more than 18,488 acres impacted in the last year alone!

Become a Quail Forever member today!

Affiliate Membership

QF Affiliate Membership

Affiliate - $35

Special Gifts:

  • QF window Decal & Member Card
  • Annual Subscription to the Quail Forever Journal of Upland Conservation (published 5x/year)
  • Quail Forever Calendar (mailed annually in the fall)
  • Invitations to local chapter banquets and events
  • Monthly “On The Wing” eNewsletter
  • Annual Quail Hunting Forecast

What's Your Texas Legacy?

Our Mission

Quail Forever's mission is to conserve quail, pheasants and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education, and conservation advocacy. Our mission is made possible by our members, supporters, and partners.
Thank you!